Substack #2 North Cowichan To Sue Big Oil? Request from the Climate Hub
Wed 21st 5pm North Cowichan Chambers
Talk about “Not In Your Lane N.C.”!
The Climate Hub, the same advocates behind the “Climate Crises” declaration, advocates for the ban on Natural Gas in new builds, and supporters of using our Municipal Forests for carbon credits v selective logging, now bring to council a proposal to join with in a class action lawsuit
In their presentation which you can view HERE , we see the initial slides consist of North Cowichan’s own paid-for Climate Mitigation plan MODELS and projections and a couple Citizen Headlines from 2021 re flooding.
Followed by a quote from a physicist who originally was going to work for chemicals companies, but then settled on physics where he proudly was part of The Manhattan Project and creating the perfect nuclear bomb.
CO2 increases well behind warming, and thank goodness for the slight increase in CO2, as our planet has greened, instead of died, which it would have at 250 ppm and lower. We are still in an inter-glacial warming period, cold historically for times when Man flourished.
Case and point: The next slide has no references and makes no statistical sense as it would seem we would have no life on earth until 1996 (?). The graph is deliberately done in the millions of tons to look scary, whereas scientists measure CO2 in Parts per million (PPM) typically, with current CO2 being around 420ppm and slowly declining. Does this graph show that in 1900 it was 5000 tons of CO2? In the 1900’s as the Industrial Revolution was Kicking off, CO2 was dangerously low at approximately 280PPM
Next a slide with a few book titles, one with the subtitle “The Far-Right Conspiracy to Cover Up Climate change” - divisive rederic . Some more Bloomberg and Guardian article screenshots then follow, as if they were “science”.
Followed by a shot of the “activist” in their oil-produced masks and clothing.
If you think this is a Joke, they already have three uber-progressive councils on board.
Without oil and gas, how will the municipalities build their bike lanes, their in-fill housing and all the infrastructure for them, run street sweepers and 90% of their fleet vehicles, build the hospital, RCMP station, build their new electric fleet vehicles and Garbage truck, build scooters for our 15 min cities, build solar panels… and so on…?
Talk about being “had”. The Oil and Gas sector who created the carbon offset schemes, as well as the recycling scams, must just chuckle.
Should something this drastic go to a public hearing as the Municipality would be Participating in suing on behalf of it’s constituents?
“I swear, if it were up to these activist. we would be burning cow dung in clay huts as the Countries denied of Western Industry and Energy sources do currently.” - Adrienne.
Look to Europe who tried to go down this route - how is that working out for them?
Under For “information” to Council:
There is the Forestry review and budget showing (-500k+) in the hole due to the “pause” on logging waiting for a decision on a UBC study attempting to show how using the forest for ‘carbon credits’ would pay off in the end. In fact it would be more in the red, if not for “grants” of over 300k which are your tax dollars. The same people who advocate for this plan also expect the trails to be maintained, as well as forest management etc. Who now pays for the deficit of the once self sustaining forest budget? You.
Ironically also in the Items for Information we see a letter requesting to be put on the next agenda from The Forestry Workers of BC. asking that Council send a letter to their local Provincial representative supporting the Forest Industry which is in dire straights currently. Almost all “green” NGO’s such as Climate Caucus and others that local Councils listen to have stated that wood is far more eco-friendly to build with than concrete, and state that they see more wood use needed in the future.
Also in Items for Information is a letter sent by Mark Raymond Executive Director Extension and Support Services Branch B.C. Ministry of Agriculture and Food: “We are reaching out to local governments across British Columbia regarding the increasing challenges posed by drought and extreme weather events on our freshwater resources, which have significantly impacted the agriculture sector in recent years and are expected to continue doing so. We are writing to ensure you are aware of the information, tools, financial supports, and other resources available to help both local governments and their agricultural constituents prepare for and respond to drought conditions.” There has been 1.5 months of sun, while last year’s couple months caused the province to shut off farmer’s water - “problem, Reaction, Solution”? The Province has stated it is Investing 83 million in water storage in 2024. This investment does not look to be into cisterns, dredging, or other local solutions, but to upgrade a water pump in Abbotsford and 14 million to help store water in Cowichan Lake ( as well as some exemptions for Insurance premiums and the like)
Lorene Benoit’s letter made it to council to be dismissed, or pulled for discussion. You can read it here.
North Cowichan RCMP Quarterly Report can be viewed HERE.
I have also a big beef with Forestry Herbicide practices - as per this article by GeoEngineering Free Canada. "Geoengineering - the cause of wildfires?"
But could I also impose upon us that we are treating our anthropogenic poisoning of the planet via emissions not just from cars, industry but from transportation of 'consumables' these 'things' that generate 130,000 airplanes in the air any given day, but also ship tracks of equivalent numbers (and that's about half of actual ships as not that many private boats have the recording AIS program on board! Then we do intentional weather modification - which is treating the poisons with more poisons - eventually these all land in our air we breathe, the water we drink and the soils we grow our foods in... So what do you feel is the best outcome here? Do some Math, I did, it doesn't add up to sustainable humanity. Here is my substack on "MOTH MATH"
I'm ashamed to say our little town of Gibsons joined the action of SBO in 2023 - then Sechelt was heading that way and was planning on sharing the legal costs with its constituents without a referendum of sorts, and well... it was vetoed!
What totally compounds the buy into the carbon climate crisis that feeds the carbon tax and all the SDG BS is the very fact people are not interested in turning a page of research it's like any market - an emotional reaction rather than a decision founded in considered facts.
We seem to like paying and paying more and feeding the hyper-inflation cycle... I say this because - not only are we being asked to help support this private group action as a whole township or district, (quite a de facto maneuver) we also will pay for the other side of the legal battle at the pump... my gawd folks, who has the dime to do this and not open some research is simple nonsensical. I'm not sure with the loss of freedom of speech however, I'm actually allowed to express my opinion anymore... certainly my direct neighborhood is filling up with those EV Cars and Bikes - YIKES!