Ostrich Farm Update! 9 days left until slaughter. Now being visited tomorrow!! See their happy selves in video below.
Seems the CFIA was watching our podcast?
ADDITIONAL EDIT AFTER THE FACT : The farm just recived an email from CFIAA stating her caseworker was no longer working on her case and “A field team has been assigned to conduct an on-site visit to confirm details of your Biosecurity SOP, review current conditions of the quarantine, and assess mortalities up to date. A tentative plan for tomorrow, January 22 at 12pm has been scheduled. Is there someone that can provide access and show them around the premises?
Additionally, the decision regarding the HPAI response at Universal Ostrich Farm remains unchanged. The rationale regarding the decision to continue adhering to our current HPAI policy, which reflects our International obligations and the expectations of our trading partners, can be found in the letter provided to you on January 10 2025. With that in mind, please be aware that the Inspectors scheduled to come out to conduct the on-site visit were not involved in this decision and will be focusing solely on the tasks described above. Any information/feedback pertaining to your file should continue to be directed to the Case Officer Seven email and not to the Inspectors conducting the on-site visit.”
Hello folks, we would like to send you and update on the Universal Ostrich Farm since our Podcast on Saturday.
On Sunday (who knew they work on Sundays?) Kati received an email from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (reminder, her birds are not used for food), reminding her she may not remove any samples from her farm, nor can she use a third party to test, which directly related to our discussion the previous night to do just that!
[If you watch the podcast you will learn how they were using their birds for science and finding antibodies. They worked with a lab out east that mysteriously was bought up and the man they were working with had to sign an NDA - a lot to this story we cover in the podcast that can be watched here : A talk with Katie and scientists ]
City TV also did a very quick, but fair story you can view here
These words were contained within the email sent from the CFIA: “During the quarantine period, you are not authorized to:
remove animals or things (e.g. animal products and by-products, feed, manure, hay, straw, vehicles and equipment) from the place of quarantine;
let the animals or things (e.g. animal products and by-products, feed, manure, hay, straw, vehicles and equipment) come into contact with an animal that is not quarantined under the same quarantine order;
destroy the animal or thing;
treat or test the animal or thing for a communicable disease; (This line was highlighted by the sender )
do the following, unless you have obtained prior authorization of a CFIA inspector:
Move a thing or alter its appearance, remove any tag, sign or notice indicating that the thing is under quarantine.
transport or cause to be transported an animal or thing under quarantine unless a license for its transport has been issued by an inspector and a copy of the license has been provided to the transporter.”
Yesterday we received this message from Katie “These Ostrich are 10 days from when they are all supposed to be murdered and disposed of
As you can see they are healthy and beautiful and they have the opportunity to help this crazy world with their incredible ability to build their own natural immunity to viruses like the Avian Flu H5N1. How is killing 400 healthy animals with natural immunity established a solution?
The system is broken and it's going to be the next farm of 400 cows and the next dairy farm of 600. You will have a shortage of beef, a shortage of milk all on unacceptable protocol that is broken. Their mandate TEST, QUARANTINE, KILL, COMPANSATE.
Their mandate is not to roll out a plan to protect your healthy animals and help the farms clean up and come up with safe solutions. It's to eradicate our farms.
Please stand with us. All farmers stand up. RISE UP
Take to the streets, plan protests, plan to push back. If our healthy 400 ate murdered it's a matter of time until they get a anonymous tip you have a virus and order a cull for your livelihood, your animals.
Please share this to every farmer that you know. I mean, everybody should really be worried and affected by this. This is our food supply. These are our rights. This is our land and these are our animals.
On Sunday, we were reminded that it is against the law for us to have any samples done on our own animals just to confirm that they are healthy or to take a test for any reason. We're reminded that we are not even supposed to be treating our own animals.
When does the stop? What gives anybody the right to tell you that you can't go out to your animals whom you've had for over 34 years and if you see that they might need their eye washed out because they have a start of a eye infection you have to walk away.
It is your oath to your animals, if you have an animal to use all your resources to care for them, protect them and heal them. And if you are holding back that treatment from them knowing that you could Prevent further pain and suffering. And you have the ability to heal them and bring them comfort and see them get healthy again, you tell me how that is breaking the law.
I attached the documents to actually Show that this is also worth 6 months in jail.
This is the time that all of us together as farmers as humans as people who want to leave a better world for our children. We stand together and we start doing what's right. Put all of your Differences aside, and this is when Canada unites and stands together to make the positive change that we need to go forward and protect the people.
Please. Keep praying for us and our 400.
Peaceful protests are welcome out here we need to stand together and create movement .
Our antibodies that could help the virus and have the possibility to stabilize the avian flu epidemic are in there way. See below link. They are already ready with a big payout to Moderna to come out with your next vaccination folks. So roll up your sleeves or get out there and do something in your community to stand up to what's going on.
Blessings from Universal Ostrich -Search Moderna $590 million for flu vaccine”
Kati is referring to this article regarding Moderna’s new deal. I mean you can’t get a 175 million dollar deal if someone has a possible cure with their antibodies now can you?
Katie and her mom and dad’s farm are under the gun, litrally, and have reached out to Ian Paton (MLA) who is trying to advocate for them as he worries his farm or others will just be next. We need awareness, media coverage, donations to her gofundme here and prayers that they can be saved last minute.
They can be reached at https://www.universalostrich.ca/
Another good article by the Vancouver Sun touches on the legal aspect leaning towards animal cruelty to slaughter these healthy birds : https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/bc-ostrich-cull-breach-animal-cruelty-law-lawyer
Once again, here is our podcast from last Saturday night:
The system is so broken.
Kate Mason is a Substack writer and presenter from Australia and writes about the future of Agriculture. This article and video about how regenerative agriculture is being co-opted by powerful interests. She explains how language like 'regenerative', 'sustainable', 'no till', 'organic', etc. being co-opted by companies who are revolutionizing agriculture and how most people are completely unaware of the drastic changes that are underway.