Nov 20th, North Cowichan to debate
Years in gridlock after the property was cut out of the Growth Containment Boundary, and after council turned them down, they are getting to be heard once again - asking to be put back into the UCB!
John and Elaine Lichtenwald, purchased 31 acres a two minute walk from the new Cowichan District Hospital site, intending to develop the West Vista Terrace project. This project aimed to provide 700 residential units, retail and commercial spaces and a 95 room hotel, which aligns with the 2018 North Cowichan Bell McKinnon Local Area Plan (BMLAP). A plan that won awards and encourages sustainable, compact development close to healthcare facilities. However, changes to North Cowichan’s Official Community Plan (OCP) in 2022 altered land use designations, complicating the project’s approval. This shift moved parts of the Bell McKinnon area, where West Vista Terrace is located, into areas marked for “future development,” even though they had an active application into the municipality for two years and these particular lands were designated the Town Core in the local area plan.
The Lichtenwalds and their supporters argue the project would address significant local housing and hotel accommodation needs now as the project has already satisfied the municipalities requirements during the two years they worked with the municipality on the application prior to the OCP changes.
North Cowichan is mandated under the provincial Housing Supply Act to increase housing availability. Proponents emphasize that West Vista Terrace would assist to do just that by providing essential housing for hospital staff, seniors, and workers, while also contributing substantial tax revenue. Despite public support and backing from organizations like Khowutzun Development Corporation (Economic Development for Cowichan Tribes), Duncan Chamber of Commerce, Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB), the project initially faced resistance from council members concerned about the costs to bring the infrastructure to the development site. However the hospital has now paid and installed water and sewer lines ending at the front doorstep of these lands. The owners of West Vista Terrace assure council the tax contributions thru Development Cost Charges (DCC’s) and Community Amenity Contribution funds (CAC’s) will more than pay for its own infrastructure costs and contribute to the local economy thru job creation and future tax collection of more than $65M over the next 25 years. Without contributions by developers and new businesses local tax payers will be facing a $22M infrastructure upgrade planned for next year.
These 31 acres is currently a hay field with only two small homes situated on the lands and is shovel ready.
April 2024 council voted 3-3 to allowing the lands to be put back into the UCB and the Lichtenwald’s lost to a tie which goes to the municipality.
To date there have been zero homes built around the new hospital lands and this project is once again going to council to ask to put the lands back into the Urban Containment Boundary on Wednesday November 20th at the Municipality of North Cowichan at 5 pm. Sign in to speak NO LATER than 4:45 (doors open 4:30)
If you would like to help fix our housing crisis or are concerned about future increases to your taxes you are invited to attend or write an email to:
Our previous article on this debacle can be read here:
Or watch us speak on it here in a few clips (The room was full of many more supporters who spoke in favour of the development as well)
Here is the Municipal Tax Revenue, Development Cost Charges (DCC’s) and Community Amenity Contributions (CAC’s) that will be pail to Municipality of North Cowichan for our West Vista Terrace project.
$66,857,450.00 in taxes will be collected over 25 years
$6,702,549.00 in Development Cost Charges will be collected over 10 years as project gets built out.
$57,783,816.00 in Community Amenity Contributions will be collected over 10 years as project gets built out.
The total paid to the municipality is $131,343,815.00 from the West Vista Terrace Development.
This is important information for taxpayers and council to know about.
We are excited that North Cowichan may soon have Hotel and a retail Town Core Neighbourhood where people can Work, Shop, Eat and Sleep only 2 min from the new 1.6 Billion Hospital.
In reality it was not the "municipality" which cast the tie-breaking vote, it was His Worship, Mayor Douglas.
With the absence of Ms Toporowski from council after her elevation to MLA, there may be a different flavour to the next meeting. If she has not resigned yet, the councillors may be able to table this discussion for a time.
I would be interested in the reporting of any legal challenges to this shifting of the goalposts in mid-foreplay.